Mist cooling - Varkens - Veldman Group

Mist cooling


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High pressure mist cooling:

This system can be used in stables with all types of ventilation systems and is mounted inside the section (see photo). High-pressure mist cooling is automatically activated (via climate control box) when the temperature becomes too high. A high-pressure pump of 70 bar is put into operation which pumps water into a stainless steel pipe. The water is spread via nebulizers into a very fine mist in the stable. This mist evaporates, which leads to cooling of the air.

The system consists of:

  • Pump unit: Mounted in the stationary frame, incl: pump capacity 4-21 liters / minute with a maximum working pressure of 70 bar (1000 psi); Electric motor; Pressure regulator;
  • Safety valve; And 2 or 4 filters (20/10/5/1 micron).
  • High-pressure nebulizer: made of stainless steel with anti-drip valve. There are two versions, 0.02 (4.5 l / h) and 0.03 (6 l / h).
  • Flex-Clamp Venevelaar: it can be mounted at any desired location in the pipe.
  • (12 mm) using a simple tool.
  • The pipes are connected by means of a stainless steel cutting ring coupling or a stainless steel press coupling.
  • Controller: The system can be connected to the stable climate controller, or controlled by a combination of a thermostat, humidity sensor or an interval timer.


Substances can also be added to the mist for other applications. Think of Components that protect the respiratory tract of pigs against a virus or bacteria (APP).

Our systems can be fully automated via climate computer or separate controller. This system can be controlled via temperature or temperature in combination with air humidity. With correct control of these controllable systems, for determining the correct humidity level, the animals will always have a perfect climate.


Where you have to place the nebulizers:

Mist cooling outside the stable provides less cooling than misting in the stable. Through placing the mist pipe inside the stable there will be also reduce heat in the stable.

The temperature in the stable depends on several things, such as insulation of the roof, the heat that the animals emit by themselves and any ventilation.

Mist cooling inside the stable will have to be managed very well.


Using of the system:

The best way to use the system to avoid extreme humidity is to connect the misting system to a stable computer. At a humidity above 75-80% the system must stop. Nebulizing should be short, on / off, never let it run constantly. The warmer it will get, the more the pump has to run. For example, at a temperature of 28˚ the pump should run for 2 minutes and off for 5 minutes, at a temperature of 38˚ the pump will run for 1 minute and be off for 2 minutes. The situation is different for every pig farmer, so management is necessary. Fine tuning on extremely hot days is very profitable.

With the right management, there is no need to worry about wet stables or that it will be too damp. A combination of inside and outside the stable is also possible.


Maximum cooling capacity

Start temperature                      36°C    36°C    36°C    36°C

Start humidity                            10%     30%     50%     70%

End temperature                       18°C    24°C     29°C    33°C

End humidity                             85%     85%     85%     85%

Coolings capacity                      18°C    12°C      7°C      3°C


For all your questions regarding cooling systems, please contact us.

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