Cooling - Veldman Group



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Veldman Group supplies several systems for the cooling of your pig stable.

As a result of the climate change, the average temperature has risen in recent years. High temperatures can cause in de summer days to serious problems in the pig stable. A good cooling system can offer many benefits for achieving top results. A ventilation system brings fresh air into the house and removes the polluted air but does not control the temperature level. When using a cooling system in the pig stable, the stable temperature can be lowered, which has a positive effect on the animals. Every type of a stable has negative effects due to a too high temperature, often in combination with a lower feed intake:

  • Dry sows: Sows less heat, more likely to return, cycle duration increases, litter index decreases.
  • Pregnant sows: Less vital born piglets, lower birth weight, more piglet mortality in the farrowing stable, less good condition of the sow when placed in the farrowing stable. Dead pregnant animals!
  • Farrowing stable: Extra loss of condition of the sow, poorer results at the next litter, less milk yield so lower weaning weight. Give birth to more sleepers and dead heavily pregnant heavy sows.
  • Piglet stable: Increased feed conversion, reduced growth, lower delivery weight, higher housing stock and by heat unrest- cannibalism and drinking water spillage.
  • Meat pigs: Feed conversion increased, growth decreased, less kilogram of meat / pig place / year, higher occupancy stable.

Veldman Techniek offers the following solutions for this:

Nevelkoeling Veldman Techniek

Mist cooling

High pressure mist cooling can be used in stables with all types of ventilation systems and is mounted inside the section. More information
pad cooling

Cooling pads

For an efficient cooling in pig stables we offer Pad Cooling with cooling units that cool the incoming air with water that flows through a plastic package place in front of the air inlet. More information


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