Valego Egg Elevator
- Transports eggs from different heights
- Flexible intake: eggs can enter the elevator from 1 or 2 egg belts, at any height
- Flexible discharge: transfer height allows optimal discharge of eggs onto cross conveyor or egg collection table
- Safe and gentle handling of eggs by plastic carriers

Valego Egg Belt Return Unit
- Return unit Classic with spiral integrated in the return roller removes any remains left on egg belts
- Return unit with brush for plastic egg belts; brushes off the dus and destatics egg belts
- Both return units are tension adjustable
Valego Control Unit
- Advanced control features for the expulsion systems of Valego nests TDE, RDE, MFE
- Programs the daily opening and closing of expulsion systems to optimize the period when hens have access tot nests
- Suitable for manual control
- Optional monitoring of external switches and optional alarm signal to external control

Valego Drive Unit
- Motorized drive unit for 1 or 2 egg belts
- Safely transfers eggs onto egg collection table, cross conveyor or egg elevator
- Variable speed from 0.8 to 4m/min

Valego Drive Unit with Egg Collection Table
- Motorized drive unit for 1 or 2 egg belts
- Integrated table for manual egg packing
- Variable speed from 0.8 to 4m/min

Valego Conveyor
- Transports eggs from any egg belt height to a convenient working height of egg collection table
- Provides a bridge between different heights of egg belt and collection table
- Operated by Valego drive unit motor
- Safe and gentle handling of eggs by plastic rods

Valego Frequency Converter & Emergency Stop
- Frequency convertor adjusts the speed of egg belt
- Large, eye-catching emergency stop ensures optimal safety
- Both could be mounted on table and drive unit